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In the News – Newsletter #8

     1.) Women moving on and up

    WEMov has been featured in COST’s annual report 2022 as a success story, see page 15 HERE! This is a great honour and recognition of our collective work as a network.

    2.) The radicals – Sarah Remond

    Apiece on WG1 member Sirpa Salenius‘ archival research results came out in The Guardian, in a series of eight new portraits by leading Black artists, building a pantheon of radical figures who resisted transatlantic slavery and its legacies – from African American abolitionists to Mancunian activists. Look for Sarah Remond among the radicals HERE to find it.

    A podcast came out as well: Sirpa Salenius‘ contribution starts at 8:10 HERE.

    3.) Warsztaty sieci badawczej « Women on the Move” 

    WG1 met in Krakow on 30–31 March 2023, and an article was issued on the Institute Historii Archiwistyki webpage in Polish and in English thanks to WG1 member Mateusz Wyżga. Read the account HERE.

    4.) Women on the Move. Crossed portraits from here and elsewhere (exhibition)

    Following WEMov’s Working Group 2 meeting organised in Dudelange, Luxembourg (24-25th April 2023), the Documentation Centre on Human Migrations (CDMH) have decided to hold an exhibition featuring WEMov’s posters entitled Femmes en migration. Portraits croisés d’ici et d’ailleurs [Women on the Move. Crossed portraits from here and elsewhere] in which WEMov’s work is presented (posters and film-documentary) together with the archives (documents, pictures and objects) collected by the CDMH for the past 25 years. 

    WEMov’s Cost Action aims to highlight the role of women in migration, which is in fact largely unknown or denied. The project’s approach does not consist in highlighting individual successes, but rather in placing them in more general movements, emphasizing an international dimension. Pursuing these same objectives, the CDMH team has updated the subject through local examples, thanks to documents, pictures and objects taken from its own archives in order to show that the realities presented also concern Luxembourg. This exhibition was inaugurated on the 24th May and will be open until the end of July. 

    More information on the CDMH exhibition here and here.