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Ελληνικό Λογοτεχνικό Αρχείο | Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive (ELIA) (Athens, Greece)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive below

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    Collection title: Τεφοπούλου, ή Τέφου Οικογένεια | Tefopoulou or Tefou Family (Greece: 1911–1973)

    Description: The collection contains the personal documents of the Tefopoulou family, which migrated from Greece to Egypt, including personal letters, the passport and the death certificate of  Basiliki Tefopoulou (1926–1927) and the passport of another family member named Alexandra Tefopoulou. 

    Archive address: Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive (ELIA) Agiou Andreou 5, Athens 105 56, Greece

    Reference number: Α.Ε. 39/00

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE and the collection HERE.

    Contributor: Anastasia Hamatsou