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Архив Републике Српске | Archives of Republika Srpska (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Архив Републике Српске below

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    Collection: Хрватски Црвени Криж, Жупски одбор Бањалука (1941–1945) | Croatian Red Cross, Municipal Department of Banjaluka (1941–1945) (Croatia, Bosnia: 1941–1945)

    Description: The collection contains information about the activities of the Red Cross of the Independent State of Croatia, which recorded information about women (and men) within the territory of the State, their activities and migrations to other places.

    Archive address: Aleja Svetog Save 1, 78000, Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Reference number: Хрватски Црвени Криж, Жупски одбор Бањалука (1941-1945), 1941/1944; kут.1, АИ

    Links: Visit the archive’s website HERE

    Contributor: Božena Miljić