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Архів Українського Вільного Університету (Мюнхен) | Archive of the Ukrainian Free University (Munich) (Munich, Germany)

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    Collection: Полонська-Василенко (Моргун) Наталя Дмитрівна | Polonska-Vasylenko (Morgun), Natalya Dmytrivna (Ukraine, Germany: 1884–1973)

    Description: The personal fond of Kharkiv-born historian and archaeologist Natalya Dmitrivna Polonska-Vasylenko (Morgun) (1884–1973), including letters and other documents. She was a professor at Kyiv University and a director of the Kyiv Central Archive of Old Documents. During the Second World War, she fled west, first to Lviv, then to Prague, and finally to Bavaria. She was a professor at the Ukrainian Free University in Prague (1944–1945) and moved with this institution to Munich, where she continued teaching until she died in 1973. While in Munich, she published a book on famous Ukrainian women in history (1969) and a textbook on Ukrainian historiography (1971) that includes the topic of emigration during the interwar period and the Second World War.

    Archive address: Am Münchner Tor 1, 80805 Munich, Germany

    Reference number: Fond 1

    Links: Visit the archive’s official website HERE.

    Publication: Vitaliy Masnenko, “The Textbook of N. Polonska-Vasylenko «Ukrainian historiography» in the Context of Methodological Tradition of the Statehood School,” East European Historical Bulletin 9 (2018): 130–45.

    Contributors: Igor Lyman, Tatjana Šarić