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Документарно одделение на Институт за национална историја | Documentary Department of the Institute of National History (Skopje, North Macedonia)

    Sample collection on women migrants at Documentary Department of the Institute of National History below

    See more on our catalogue

    Collection: Фонд „Хроники“ | Fond “Chronicles” (North Macedonia: c. 1900–1950)

    Description: This fond contains life histories (chronicles) from expatriate witnesses (in large part refugees), who recollect memories of their birthplaces: folk life, war, escape and emigration. Among them are women storytellers, as well as information about expatriate women. An example is the life history of Kata Misirkova Rumenova (Хр. IV. 8), born in 1930 in Postol (today’s Greece), who died in 2012 in Skopje.

    Archive address: Ul. Grigor Grličev 3, Skopje 1000, N. Macedonia

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Access the official website of the Documentary Department of the Institute of National History HERE.

    Contributors: Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska,Tatjana Šarić