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Центральний державний архів-музей літератури і мистецтва України | Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

    Sample collection on women migrants at Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine below

    See more on our catalogue of primary sources HERE

    Collection: О. М. Лятуринська. Шарж М. Г. Бутовича. Б/д. | O. Liaturynska caricature M. Butovych (Ukraine, United States: c. 1949–1970)

    Description: Undated caricature of Oksana Liaturynska (b. 1 February 1902 in Katerburg, Volhynia gubernia, Russian Empire, d. 13 June 1970 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), a writer, sculptor, artist, poet and public figure. To escape an arranged marriage, she emigrated at the age of 22. She first moved to Germany, then to Czechoslovakia, where she studied and afterwards ran her studio in Prague for ten years. She survived the Second World War but ended in a camp for displaced persons and emigrated to the United States in 1949, where she rebuilt her career. The caricature is sketched by Mykola Butovych, who emigrated to the United States in 1947.

    Archive address: Volodymyrska Street, 22A, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

    Reference number: ф. 1322, оп. 1, од. зб. 22, арк. 4.

    Links: Visit the archive’s official website HERE.

    Contributors: Igor Lyman, Tatjana Šarić