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Інститут рукопису Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського | V. I. Vernadskyi Manuscript Institute of the National Library of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

    Sample collection on women migrants at V. I. Vernadskyi Manuscript Institute of the National Library of Ukraine below

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    Collection: Дорошенко Наталія Михайлівна | Doroshenko, Nataliya Mykhailivna (Ukraine: 1910–1917)

    Description: The personal archival fond of Nataliya Doroshenko (b. 1888, Ukraine, d. 1970, Germany), Ukrainian dramatic actress and prominent figure in the theater world. Doroshenko studied at the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute in Kyiv. In 1917–1918 she was a member of the Theater Council in Kyiv and one of the organizers of the State Drama Theater. An émigré from 1920, Doroshenko organized theater-arts courses in Prague and Warsaw. Doroshenko lived in Canada from 1947 and in Munich from the 1950s.

    Archive address: Volodymyrska str. 62, Kyiv, Ukraine

    Reference number: F. 107 (1910–1917); f. III, # 36984–36987, 42523–42541.

    Links: Visit the archive’s official website HERE.

    Contributors: Victoria Konstantinova, Tatjana Šarić