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Archiv Národního muzea | Archive of the National Museum (Prague, Czech Republic)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Archive of the National Museum below

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    Collection title: Anna Bayerová (Europe: 1853–1924)

    Description: Anna Bayerová was the second Czech female medical doctor. She was prevented from practicing as doctor in her own country, so she left and established a medical practice in Berne. The biographical material contains Anna Bayerová’s personal documents as well as documents for her medical practice, her own CV, calendars and notebooks. Family correspondence includes larger sets of letters from close relatives. Personal correspondence documents her contacts with women who were actively interested in philanthropy, girls’ education, emancipation and health education. Official correspondence is from institutions and associations with which Bayer’s public activities were related (Salvation Army, Directorate of Vocational Continuing Schools, Association of Academically Educated Women, etc.). Her manuscripts include her dissertation from Bern 1881, articles on health education, etc.

    Archive address: Archiv Národního muzea, Na Zátorách 6, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czech Republic

    Reference number: NAD 103 (12 boxes)

    Links: The catalogue is available from the National Museum Archive.

    Publications: Anna Honzáková, MUDr Anna Bayerová 1853-1924. První česká lékařka ve Švýcarech (Praha: 1937).

    Contributor: Iva Lelková