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Archives fédérales suisses | Federal Archives of Switzerland (Bern, Switzerland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Archives Fédérales Suisses below

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    Collection title: Legal Support for Children and Women, Cambodian Migrants in Crisis (Switzerland, Cambodia: 2005–2008)

    Description: This collection gathers official documents related to the legal support for women and children from Cambodia to Switzerland. There are access restrictions on the materials. Originally added from 2015/00091 Direktion für Ressourcen (Bern) (keine Angabe). Reference 771.22.

    Archive address: Archives fédérales suisses, Archivstrasse 24, 3003 Berne. Switzerland

    Reference number: E2200.101-02#2015/91#80*

    Links: Visist the archives official website HERE and access the catalogue HERE and the collection entry HERE.      

    Contributor: Marie Ruiz