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Archives Nationales du Luxembourg | National Archives of Luxembourg (Luxembourg, Luxembourg) 

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Archives Nationales du Luxembourg below

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    Collection title: Accouchement de femmes étrangères au Grand-Duché; divers, 1901–1916 | Childbirth of foreign women in the Grand Duchy; miscellaneous, 1901–1916 (Luxembourg: 1901–1916)

    Description: Dossier on childbirth of foreign women in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

    Archive address: Plateau du Saint-Esprit, 1475 Ville-Haute Luxembourg

    Reference number: SP-231 Ministère de la Santé et Bienfaisance publique – liasse 231, 1901-1916 (Dossier)

    Links: Access the archive’s catalogue HERE and the catalogue entry HERE.

    Contributor: Brigitte le Normand