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Archivio centrale dello stato | The Central Archives of the State (Rome, Italy)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Central Archives of the State below

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    Collection title: Archivi di famiglie e di persone – Chambers Maria Elisabetta | Archives of families and people – Chambers Maria Elisabetta (Italy, UK: 1861–1877)

    Description: The collection contains letters and documents pertaining to the British Maria Elisabetta Chambers, the wife of Colonel Chambers, one of the British volunteers who fought alongside Giuseppe Garibaldi. Wife of British Colonel John Hunchinbotton Chambers, who fought with a battalion of British volunteers alongside Garibaldi in the 1866 campaign. M. Elisabeth Chambers was part of a committee of English women who promoted initiatives to assist the wounded, English and Italian, and also had among its aims the promotion of education in Italy and the opening of industrial schools in Sardinia and elsewhere, for which it hired teachers and provided support materials, books and machinery.

    Archive address: Archivio centrale dello stato, Piazzale degli Archivi, 27, 00144 Rome, Italy

    Reference number: ID 4419 – Chambers Maria Elisabetta

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE, and HERE as well as the collection HERE.

    Contributor: Sirpa Salenius