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Archivio di Storia delle donne di Bologna | Archives of the history of women in Bologna (Bologna, Italy)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Archives of the history of women in Bologna below

    See more on our catalogue of primary sources HERE

    Collection title: Archivio dell’Ufficio di collocamento di Sasso Marconi  | Archive of the Sasso Marconi Employment Office (Italy, 1961-1969)

    Description: The Women’s Archive contains paper, sound, and visual documents; women’s collective testimonies are accompanied by personal archives. The Archive of the Sasso Marconi Employment Office includes documents on emigrant women.

    Archive address: Centro delle Donne, Ex Convento di Santa Cristina, Via del Piombo 5/7 – 40125 Bologna, Italy

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Visit the archive’s website and access the catalogue HERE.

    Contributor: Sirpa Salenius