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Arhiv Vojvodine | Archive of Vojvodina (Novi Sad, Serbia)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Archive of Vojvodina below

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    Collection title: Мађарско Краљевско министарство пољопривреде, испостава за аграрну политику јужних крајева | Hungarian Royal Ministry of Agriculture, branch for the agrarian policy of the southern regions (Serbia: 1941–1944)

    Description: The collection contains: (a) Hungarian reports on the condition of the land and possibilities of using agricultural land; (b) decisions and reports of the Hungarian Royal Commission for the settlement of Hungarians from abroad, with cases related to the relocation of multi-member families from Hungary and relocation of families from one place to another; and (c) name lists of colonists and data on colonies (e.g., number of settled families, cadastral numbers of divided land and data on the number of births and the number of deaths in the colonies).

    Archive address: Žarka Vasiljevića 2a, 21101 Novi Sad

    Reference number: RS 002 F. 150

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE.

    Contributor: Božena Miljić