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Arhivele Municipiului București | Archives of the Municipality of Bucharest (București, România)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Archives of the Municipality of Bucharest below

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    Collection title: Inspectoratul Școlar al Municipiului București |Bucharest School Inspectorate (Romania: 1919–1949)

    Description: The archive consists of numerous retirement files of the first generation of kindergarten teachers in Romania, who started their pedagogical activity during the first decade of the twentieth century. They include ministerial decisions and appointments for different kindergarten positions in villages inhabited by minority communities, inspection reports, payment situations, copies of civil documents (marriage, birth, divorce), and promotion and retirement documents.

    Archive address: Calea Văcăreşti, nr. 470, sector 4, Bucureşti.

    Reference number: No. 511 inside there are listed all the files regarding retiring kindergarten teachers.

    Links: Visit the National Archive’s website. An online inventory of fonds is available here.

    Publications: Camelia Zavarache, « Posedă toate calitățile unei bune conducătoare de grădini de copii.” Prima generație de educatoare din România și politicile culturale de la începutul secolului XX. Presentation at Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga, Sesiunea anuală, 7 December 2022.

    Contributor: Camelia Zavarache