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Arxiu Nacional d’Andorra | National Archives of Andorra (Andorra la Vella, Andorra)

     Sample collection on women migrants at the National Archives of Andorra below

    See more on our catalogue of primary sources HERE

    Collection: Vides de dones: Dones i moviments migratoris | Women’s Lives: Women and Migration (Andorra: 2011–2013)

    Description: Interviews filmed in 2011–2013 with Andorran women on their experiences of cross-border migration in the twentieth century. The interviews are taken with women born between 1917 and 1931 and provide insight on their life histories, with an emphasis on how migration affected their lives. These and selected other materials of the Arxiu d’Etnografia d’Andorra (Ethnographic Archives of Andorra) can be viewed online [].

    Archive address: Prada Casadet, 8-12, AD 500 Andorre, Andorra la Vella

    Reference number: AE_0001, AE_0007, AE_0008, AE_0009, AE_0027, AE_0029

    Links: Visit the archive’s website HERE and HERE.

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons