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Biblioteka Jagiellońska | Jagiellonian Library (Krakow, Poland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at The Jagiellonian Library below

    See more on our catalogue of primary sources HERE

    Collection title: Korespondecja sekretariatu Sekcji Chemicznej IX Zjazdu Lekarzy i Przyrodników Polskich w Krakowie, roku 1900 | The Correspondence of the Secretariat of the Chemical Section of the 9th Congress of Polish Doctors and Naturalists in Krakow, 1900 (Poland – France, 1899-1900)

    Description: This fonds contains letters from Maria Skłodowska-Curie, the famous scientist from Poland who lived her life in France.

    Archive address: Mickiewicza Aleja 22, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

    Reference number: BJ Rkp. 6593 III

    Links: Visit the archive’s website and access the catalogue HERE and the collection HERE.

    Contributor: Mateusz Wyżga