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British Library (London, England)

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    Collection title: Nightingale Papers, Second Series (Vols. XII-CXI) (UK and International: 1836–1910)

    Description: Original correspondence, literary manuscripts and other papers of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale (1820–1910), including a commonplace book from 1836 and a household book from 1888–1889. These letters and papers provide insight into Nightingale’s life and her international work on healthcare and sanitation. Nightingale also corresponded with many women on the move, among them Maria S. Rye, an active promoter of female emigration and a founder of the Female Middle Class Emigration Society, and London-born British-Swedish writer and translator Emily Nonnen in Sweden, who translated Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing into Swedish and for whom a street in Gothenburg was later named (both in Add MS 45799).

    Archive address: 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB

    Reference number: Add 45750-45849 (100 items)

    Links: The archives of the British Library can be searched online here. A detailed finding aid on the collection is available here.

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons