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British National Archives (Kew, UK)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the British National Archives below

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    Collection title: War and Colonial Department and Colonial Office: Emigration Original Correspondence (United Kingdom, North America, Australasia, West Indies, India: 1817–1896)

    Description: Collection of official government correspondence related to emigration sent to/by the Colonial Office. This series contains correspondence relating to British settlement in North America and Australasia, and to Indian indentured labour in the West Indies. Until 1857 it consists of domestic letters alone. The series then ceases and is not resumed until 1872.

    Archive address: : British National Archives – Bessant Dr – Kew, Richmond – TW9 4DU

    Reference number: CO 384 (193 boxes)

    The catalogue is available from the British National Archives website and a complete description here.

    Contributor: Julia Stryker