Sample collection on women migrants at the Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society below
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Collection: Documents de Germaine Hannevart concernant son aide à l’Espagne pendant la guerre civile et en relation avec son activité dans les organisations de femmes | Documents of Germaine Hannevart concerning her aid to Spain during the Civil War and in relation to her activity in women’s organizations (Belgium, Spain: 1939–1952)
Description: Germaine Hannevart (1887–1977) was a Belgian biology professor, pacifist and feminist. She was a founding member of the Fédération belge des Femmes universitaires (FBFU), established in 1921, and served as president of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) in 1932–1952. She was active in international committees relating to foreigners’ and women’s rights and worked in this capacity to support refugees in Belgium. Hannevart travelled extensively to promote the pacifist cause, spending time in the USSR, China, Korea and Japan.
Archive address: Bagattenstraat 43, 9000 Ghent
Reference number: BE-A0547 / FICINV_0649
Links: Visit the archive’s website HERE and search the catalogue HERE.
Contributor: Katelin Parsons