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Centrum Dokumentacji Zsyłek, Wypędzeń i Przesiedleń | Center for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlement (Poland, Krakow)

    Sample collection on women migrants at Centrum Dokumentacji Zsyłek, Wypędzeń i Przesiedleń | Center for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlement (Poland, Krakow)

    See more on our catalogue

    Collection: Relacje świadków historii | Reports of witnesses to history (after 1918)

    Description: The collection consists of video reports of witnesses to history, men and women, especially those who lived during forced migration to Russia, and afterwords, migration to Iran, England, USA, Canada.        

    Archive address: ul. Kozienicka 24, 30-397 Kraków 

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Visit the Center for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlement, and access the catalogue HERE.

    Contributor: Mateusz Wyżga