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Den Arnamagnæanske Samling | The Arnamagnæan Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark)


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    Collection: Árni Magnússons brevveksling | Árni Magnússon’s letters (Denmark and Iceland: 1727–1734)

    Description: Letters from Árni Magnússon include correspondence with the family of his unofficial ward, Anna Magdalene Magnúsdóttir (b. about 1718), whose Icelandic father died in Copenhagen and whose Danish mother was unknown. Anna Magdalene’s Icelandic family wanted her to come to Iceland after her father’s death, resulting in a rare discussion of women’s cross-Atlantic migration from Denmark to Iceland in the early eighteenth century. Letters are from Árni Magnússon to Halldóra Aradóttir the Elder and Halldóra Aradóttir (1729), Árni Magnússon to Ari Þorkelsson (1729), Ari Þorkelsson to Árni Magnússon (1729), Halldóra Aradóttir the Elder and Halldóra Aradóttir the Younger to Árni Magnússon (1729) and Halldóra Aradóttir the Elder and Halldóra Aradóttir to Anna Magdalene Magnúsdóttir (1734).

    Archive address: Njalsgade 136, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark

    Reference number: AM Accessoria I

    Links: A digital catalogue is available here.

    Publications: Some of the letters were published in: Kristian Kålund (ed.), Arne Magnussons private brevveksling (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1920).

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons