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Deutsches Tanzarchiv Cologne (Cologne: Germany)

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    Collection: Duncan-Archiv | Isadora Duncan Archive (Germany, UK, France, USA: 1903–1921)

    Description: The collection contains programs of Isadora Duncan’s performances, private correspondence and other materials relating to her life and international career. Duncan (b. 1877 in San Francisco, California, d. 1927 in Nice, France) was an American dancer and choreographer who lived in London and Paris. She also spent extensive periods of time in Florence, Italy, where she was inspired by Sandro Botticelli’s painting Primavera (c. 1480). The dance movements and dress she used in the completely new genre of dance she invented bear similarities to Botticelli’s painting. Isadora Duncan was a pioneer in her field, an inventor of modern contemporary dance.

    Archive address: Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, Im Mediapark 7, 50670 Köln, Germany

    Reference number: DTK-TIS-20

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE

    Publications: Blair, Fredrika. Isadora: Portrait of the Artist as a Woman. Quill, 1985.

    Contributor: Sirpa Salenius