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Državni arhiv u Zadru | State Archives in Zadar (Zadar, Croatia)

     Sample collection on women migrants at the State Archives in Zadar below

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    Collection: Okružno poglavarstvo u Zadru | District Administration in Zadar (Croatia: 1816–1865)

    Description: The fond contains records of political, economic, cultural, educational and health and social conditions in the Zadar district, encompassing northern Dalmatia. Among other data, the fond contains information on population movements, travel documents and lists of emigrants and immigrants, including women.

    Archive address:  State Archives in Zadar, Ul. Ruđera Boškovića 1, 23000 Zadar

    Reference number: HR-DAZD-102

    Links: Visit the official website of the State Archives in Zadar.

    Contributor: Tatjana Šarić