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Eesti pedagoogika arhiivmuuseum (Tallinna Ülikool) | Estonian Pedagogical Archives and Museum (Tallinn, Estonia)

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    Collection: Anna Tõrvand-Tellmanni kirjavahetus Hilja Simseliga | Anna Tõrvand-Tellmann’s correspondence with Hilja Simsel (Russia: 1953)

    Description: Anna Tõrvand-Tellmann was a teacher and owner of a secondary school. She and the recipient, Hilja Simsel, were both deported to Siberia by the Soviet government. The archives hold 12 letters from Tõrvand-Tellmann to Simsel. Tõrvand-Tellmann died on 23 August 1953, a month after she sent her last letter to Simsel.

    Archive address: Rävala pst 10, 15042 Tallinn

    Reference number: K0044107-1 – K0044107-12

    Links: Visit the archive’s official website and access the collections of Estonian Pedagogical Archives and Museum. Each letter has a separate link in the catalogue, accessible HERE.

    Publication: Rukkilillesinised koolimütsid Tallinna tänavail, ed. by Arvo Jaama (Tallinn: Varrak, 2006)

    Contributors: Janet Laidla, Marie Ruiz