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Forschungsbibliothek Gotha | Gotha Research Library (Gotha, Germany)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Gotha Research Library below

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    Collection: Deutsche Auswandererbriefsammlung | German Emigrant Letters Collection (International: 1820–1990)

    Description: More than 11,000 original letters and letter series written by individuals of mostly German descent, including the letter collections of many women migrants. Places covered: Germany and its predecessor states, North America, Australia and other countries around the world. Associated resources include repositories and bibliographical aids to other collections, catalogues, digital facsimiles and transcriptions, see more here.

    Archive address: Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Deutsche Auswandererbriefsammlung,  Schloss Friedenstein, 99867 Gotha, Germany. Contact:

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Visit the Gotha Research Library

    Publications: See bibliography here

    Contributor: Alexander Schunka