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Gabinetto scientifico letterario G.P. Vieusseux, L’archivio contemporaneo | Scientific Literary Collection of G.P. Viesseux, Contemporary Archive (Florence, Italy)

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    Collection: Edward Gordon Craig Collection (Italy: c. 1900–1950)

    Description: Letters and other documents relevant to the stay of the Finnish expressionist artist Ellen Thesleff (1869–1954) in Florence, Italy. Thesleff studied in Finland together with such famous Finnish artists as Helene Schjerfbeck and Akseli Gallen-Kallela. She continued her studies in Paris, and in 1894, Thesleff arrived in Florence, where she met Edward Gordon Craig in 1907. The pair continued to correspond regularly after Thesleff’s return to Finland, making her letters to Craig an important source on her career and mobility.

    Archive address: Via Maggio 42, 50125 Florence, Italy

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Visit the archive’s website

    Publications: Schreck, Hanna-Reetta. Minä maalaan kuin jumala: Ellen Thesleffin elämä ja taide. Teos, 2017.

    Contributor: Sirpa Salenius

    Ellen Thesleff in Florence c. 1915, Historian kuvakokoelma, Finnish Heritage Agency, HK7905:7.98A-C.