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Héraðsskjalasafn Árnesinga | Árnessýsla Regional Archives (Selfoss, Iceland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Héraðsskjalasafn Árnesinga | Árnessýsla Regional Archives (Selfoss, Iceland) below

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    Collection title: Margrét Vigfúsdóttir. Einkaskjalasafn. | Margrét Vigfúsdóttir fonds (Canada: 1900–1945)

    Description: Uncatalogued fonds of Margrét Vigfúsdóttir (15.08.1864-07.12.1945), who emigrated from Iceland to Canada in 1899.

    Archive address: Austurveg 2, 800 Selfossi

    Reference number: 1996/43

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE.

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons