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Héraðsskjalasafn Vestmannaeyja | Regional Archives of the Westman Islands (Westman Islands, Iceland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Regional Archives of the Westman Islands below

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    Collection: Dagbók Agnesar Matthilde Adalheide Grandjean Aagaards | Diary of Agnes Matthilde Adalheide Grandjean Aagaard (Iceland: 1874–1891)

    Description: Private diary of Agnes Aagaard, who immigrated to the Westman Islands in Iceland as a young bride with her Danish husband, the district commissioner, Michael Marius Aagaard (1839-1898). Her diary is among the oldest women’s diaries preserved in Iceland, which she wrote in Danish. It describes her life as an upper-class immigrant woman and the emotional experience of migration to an isolated community where she could communicate with very few other women.

    Archive address: Safnahús Vestmannaeyja, Ráðhúströð, 900 Vestmannaeyja, Iceland

    Reference number: Héraðsskjalasafn Vestmannaeyja M-73

    Links: Visit the archive website

    Publications: Jóhann Gunnar Ólafsson,  “Úr dagbókarblöðum Agnesar Aagaards, sýslumannsfrúar í Vestmannaeyjum,” Sögur og sagnir úr Vestmannaeyjum, 2. ed. (Hafnarfjörður: Skuggsjá, 1966). Available online here.

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons