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Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo | Croatian Journalists’ Association (Zagreb, Croatia)

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    Collection: Arhivski fond Marije Jurić Zagorke | Marija Jurić Zagorka Archival Fond (Croatia: 1910–1957)

    Description: Personal documents and correspondence of Marija Jurić Zagorka (1873–1957), a famous author and feminist who became the first Croatian and Middle-European female journalist and was a founding member of the Croatian Journalists Association. Born in Croatia, Zagorka had to emigrate to Hungary due to her forced marriage. At that time, she was already writing political articles on the situation in Croatia and advocating Croatian rights, including the use of the Croatian language. After escaping to Croatia and divorcing her husband, she began to work professionally as a journalist, especially following Croatian-Hungarian politics and reporting from the session of the Croatian-Hungarian parliament. She founded the first women’s trade union organization in Croatia. Eventually, she founded the first Croatian women’s magazine in 1925, Ženski list, and later the second, Hrvatica, in which she continued to promote feminist, socialist and patriotic principles. She wrote numerous novels, theatre plays and articles and remained one of the most prolific Croatian authors. The Marija Jurić Zagorka Archival Fond contains material related to her journalistic work, as well as the minutes of the Croatian Journalists Association.

    Archive address: Croatian Journalists’ Association, Perkovčeva 2, 10000 Zagreb

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Visit the Memorial apartment of Marija Jurić Zagorka

    Contributor: Tatjana Šarić