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Institut Mémoire de l’Edition Contemporaine | Institute for the Memory of Contemporaneous Publishing (Saint-Germain-La-Blanche-Herbe, France)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Institut Mémoire de l’Edition Contemporaine below

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    Collection: Fond Andrée Chedid | Personal Fonds of Andrée Chedid (France, 1940–2011)

    Description: 90 boxes of archives of Andrée Chedid’s personal papers. Andrée Chedid (20 March 1920–6 February 2011), born Andrée Saab Khoury in Cairo, was an Egyptian-French poet and novelist of Lebanese descent who lived in France from 1946.

    Archive address: Abbaye d’Ardenne, 14280 Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe

    Reference number: 30CHD/1 – 30CHD/63

    Links: Visit the archive’s website and its catalogue. Access its collections HERE. 

    Contributor: Bénédicte Miyamoto