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Kansallisarkisto Oulu | The National Archives of Finland, Oulu Branch (Oulu, Finland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at Kansallisarkisto Oulu below

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    Collection: Kortistot Ruotsissa syntyneistä ja kuolleista suomalaisista evakuoiduista | Registers of Finnish evacuees who were born and died in Sweden (1944–1945)

    Description: Registers of Finnish evacuees born in Sweden during the final year of the Second World War, as well as deaths. Since registers include records of births among the refugee population, this primary source is closely connected to women’s wartime migration. Access is restricted to 2046, before which time a research permit is required for use.

    Archive address: Arkistokatu 6, 90100 Oulu

    Reference number: Arkiv av Finska förtroenderådet. B LUETTELOT. Ba Kortistot Ruotsissa syntyneistä ja kuolleista suomalaisista evakuoiduista. Ba:1. Kortistot syntyneistä  (1944–1945)

    Links: Access the official website HERE. The access service of the National Archives (ASTIA) allows users to browse digitised materials, order documents for onsite use and make information requests using an online form. Access the catalogue HERE.  

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons