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La Contemporaine | Contemporary Worlds Library (Nanterre, France)

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    Collection: Union des femmes italiennes immigrées | Union of Italian Women Immigrants (France, Italy: 1936–1939)

    Description: The Union of Italian Women Immigrants collection is part of the Gabrielle Duchêne private fonds. Gabrielle Duchêne was born on February 26, 1870, in Paris (XVIth arrondissement) and died on August 3, 1954, in Zürich (Switzerland). She was the founder of the French Office for Women’s Homework (1913). During the First World War, she founded the Inter-union Committee against the Exploitation of Women, of which she was assistant secretary. She was president of the French section of the International Women’s Committee for Permanent Peace, founded in 1915, and secretary of the French section of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. She also served as Secretary of the World Committee for the Fight against War and Fascism.

    Archive address: 184 cours Nicole Dreyfus – 92000 Nanterre, France

    Reference number: F/DELTA/RES/0255

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE and the catalogue HERE. The colllection’s search is accessible HERE.

    Publication: Emmanuelle Carle, “Gabrielle Duchêne et la recherche d’une autre route : entre le pacifisme féministe et l’antifascisme,” PhD thesis, History Department, McGill University, Montreal, 2005. Access HERE.

    Contributor: Marie Ruiz