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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg – Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart | State Archives of Baden-Württemberg – Central State Archives of Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg below

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    Collection: Olga Levy-Drucker (Germany: 1997)

    Description: Radio interview (45 minutes) with Jewish author and emigrant Olga Levy-Drucker (b. 1927) from Stuttgart, who lived as a child refugee in England in 1939-1945 and wrote the book Der Kindertransport about her experiences.

    Archive address: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, 70173 Stuttgart

    Reference number: R 1/008 D974001/102

    Links: For more, see the online catalogue. A finding aid is available online. The official website of the archives is here.

    ContributorKatelin Parsons