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Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum és Kutatóközpont | Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum and Research Centre (Budapest, Hungary)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum below

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    Collection title: Letters written by Carolyne von Sayn-Wittgenstein, the lover of the pianist-composer Franz Liszt (Germany: 1857)

    Description: This file contains a letter written by Carolyne von Sayn-Wittgenstein, a Polish noblewoman born in Ukraine and the lover of pianist-composer Franz Liszt. Together the two lived in Germany but also mainly in Rome, Italy. This letter is addressed to Franz Brendel.

    Archive address: H-1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty street 35

    Reference number: 1107

    Links: Visit the archive’s website and access the catalogue HERE.

    Contributor: Sirpa Salenius