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Ljósmyndasafn Reykjavíkur | Reykjavík Museum of Photography (Reykjavík, Iceland)


    Sample collection on women migrants at the Reykjavík Museum of Photography below

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    Collection: Útlendingar á Íslandi | Foreigners in Iceland (Iceland: 1965–1992)

    Description: Photographs by professional Icelandic photographers depicting migrants and visitors arriving in Iceland, including women. Other collections in the archive of around 7 million professional and amateur photographs from c. 1860 to 2014 include images of rural-urban migration, female migrant workers and refugees in Iceland.

    Archive address: Tryggvagata 15, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

    Reference number: 365 útl

    Links: Visit the official museum website. The collection has been partly digitised in the museum’s photo archive, which can be accessed here and is for personal use only.

    ContributorKatelin Parsons

    Sample image: Two Greenlandic women arriving in Iceland to work, 8 February 1979. © Gunnar V. Andrésson / Reykjavik Museum of Photography. Used with permission.

    8. febrúar 1979, tvær grænlenskar stúlkur koma til Íslands til að vinna. Stúlkurnar við flugvél, báðar síðhærðar.