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Ljósmyndasafnið Ísafirði | Ísafjörður Photography Museum (Ísafjörður, Iceland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Ísafjörður Photography Museum below

    See more on our catalogue of primary sources HERE

    Collection: Grænlenskar konur á Ísafirði 1925 | Greenlandic women in Ísafjörður (Iceland: 1925)

    Description: In August 1925, the Danish government transported a large group of Greenlanders from their home community of Ammassalik to an isolated new colony 1000 km to the north at Scoresbysund. The group from Ammassalik sailed on the Gustav Holm to Ísafjörður in Iceland, where they spent three and a half days loading winter supplies before continuing to Scoresbysund. Photographs taken of the Greenlandic women waiting on the docked ship and exploring the town document their otherwise marginalised presence among the migrants. Thyra Juul (front row, third from left) and her sister Hilda Nielsen from Denmark (front row, second from left) were among the women who hosted a summer picnic for the Greenlanders during their stay.

    Archive address: Safnahúsið Eyrartúni, 400 Ísafjörður

    Reference number: TJ-140

    Links: Access the archive’s website HERE and the catalogue HERE.

    Contributor: Katelin Parsons