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Médiathèque Michel-Crépeau | Michel-Crépeau Media Library (La Rochelle, France)

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    Collection: Fonds Eugène Fromentin. Correspondance. Ensemble de lettres autographes adressées à Eugène Fromentin par Yvan Tourgueniev, Marie Taglioni, Eugène Thirion et par Auguste Toulmouche | Eugène Fromentin fonds. Correspondence. Set of autograph letters addressed to Eugène Fromentin by Yvan Tourgueniev, Marie Taglioni, Eugène Thirion and Auguste Toulmouche (France: 1870)

    Description: Correspondence of French painter and writer Eugène Fromentin, including a letter to his second wife, Marie Cavellet, from Marie Taglioni, dated 7 March 1870. Marie Taglioni (1804–1884) was a Swedish-born ballet dancer partially of Italian descent and a central figure in the history of European dance. She had residences in Venice and in London and finally in Marseille, where she died.

    Archive address: Avenue Michel Crépeau 17000 La Rochelle, France

    Reference number: SM. 3040

    Links: Access the collection HERE

    Contributor: Stellamarina Donato