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Museo storico del Trentino | Trentino Historical Museum (Trento, Italy)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Malmö City Archives below

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    Collection title: Epistolario di Parisi Aurelia in Bonfanti | Epistolary correspondence of Parisi Aurelia in Bonfanti (Italy, Belgium: 1946-1952)

    Description: This collection contains letters from Aurelia Parisi in Bonfanti, born in 1889 in Trento (Italy). She was a housewife who migrated with her family to Belgium in 1931. During World War II, they all returned to Trentino to emigrate again to Belgium in 1946. The epistolary correspondence is composed of 12 letters, written from 1946 to 1952 and related to her second migration. To access the collection, select the letter « P » in the first row marked « Progetti » on the following page:, then select the « Parisi Aurelia in Bonfanti »

    Archive address: Via Torre d’Augusto, 41, 38122 Trento TN, Italy

    Reference number: N/A

    Links: Visit the archive’s website. Access the collection HERE and the catalogue HERE.

    Contributor: Chiara Masaro