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Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu | National and University Library in Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the National and University Library in Zagreb below

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    Collection: Pismo Marije Jurić Zagorke Elzi Kučera | Letter from Marija Jurić Zagorka to Elza Kučera (Croatia: 1938)

    Description: Marija Jurić Zagorka (Negovec near Vrbovec, March 2, 1873 – Zagreb, November 30, 1957) was a Croatian writer and the first Middle-European professional female journalist. She stayed in Hungary for some years as a married woman but returned to Croatia after her divorce and devoted herself to journalistic and literary work. She edited the newspaper Obzor and started and edited Ženski list, the first Croatian magazine for women, and the newspaper Hrvatica. She fought against discrimination against women, for women’s rights and against Hungarianization and Germanization. In this letter, Zagorka contracts cooperation related to Ženski list with Elza Kučera.

    Archive address: Ulica Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4 p.p. 550, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

    Reference number: ZRSK R 4771 b

    Links: Visit the official website of the National and University Library in Zagreb.

    Contributor:Tatjana Šarić