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Odsherred Lokalarkiv | Odsherred Local Archive (Vig, Denmark)

     Sample collection on women migrants at the Odsherred Local Archive below

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    Collection: Vallekilde Højskole. Begivenheder. Fest. — Sygeplejeske Betty Jacobsen 70 år | Vallekilde Folk High School. Events. Party. — Nurse Betty Jacobsen 70 years (Denmark: 1913)

    Description: Photograph of celebrations marking the 70th birthday of Elisabeth (Betty) Mariane Magdalene Jacobsen (1843–1925) and the 25th anniversary of her arrival to Vallekilde Folk High School to work as its school nurse. Born in the Faroe Islands, Betty Jacobsen was an alumni of Vallekilde, having successfully applied for economic assistance to attend the school in 1873. She was the first Faroese student to study at Vallekilde and one of many single Faroese women who emigrated to Denmark to advance their education and professional career. She returned again in 1888 to work as the school nurse for Vallekilde and lived at her apartment at the school after her retirement. She died at Vallekilde at the age of 82. In the photograph, Betty Jacobsen is seated at centre in a wicker chair.

    Archive address: Vig Bibliotek, Ravnsbjergvej 23 A, 4560 Vig

    Reference number: B12272

    Links: Digitised here.

    ContributorKatelin Parsons