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Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität Basel | University Library Basel (Basel, Switzerland)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the University Library Basel below

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    Collection: 8 Briefe an Paul Häberlin von Anna Tumarkin | 8 Letters to Paul Häberlin from Anna Tumarkin (Switzerland: 1916-1941)

    Description: Letters to Swiss philosopher Paul Häberlin from Dr. Anna Tumarkin (1875-1951), born in Dubrowna in modern-day Belarus, the first woman to become a professor of philosophy at the University of Bern.

    Archive address: Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, 4056 Basel, Switzerland

    Reference number: Basel, UB, UBH NL 119 : 10,1652,1-8

    Links: For more on the letters, see here. Collections of the University Library Basel can be searched online. The library website is here.

    ContributorKatelin Parsons