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Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (ÖGFA) | Austrian Society for Architecture (Vi-enna, Austria)

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    Collection: Archiv Iris Meder | Iris Meder Archive (Austria: 1965–2018)

    Description: Iris Meder (1965–2018) was an art historian, born in Niefern, Germany, who spent most of her professional career in Vienna. She researched East European art and architectural history extensively, including Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. Among the collection’s materials is a 28-page single-spaced itinerary of her extensive travels. The archive also contains publications and visual works created by Iris Meder as well as documents that give an insight into how she worked.

    Archive address: Liechtensteinstraße 46a/2/5, A-1090 Wien, Austria

    Reference number: N/A

    Link: Visit the Iris Meder Archive‘s official website. 

    Publication: Elise Feiersinger, “The Archive Iris Meder in Vienna, Austria,” Südosteuropa: Journal of Politics and Society 68.1 (2020): 101–11.

    Contributor: Brigitte le Normand