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Rahvusarhiiv | The National Archives (Tartu, Tallinn, Valga, Rakvere, Estonia)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Estonia National Archives below

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    Collection title: Petrogradi Kontroll-Opteerimise Komisjon | Petrograd Department of Repatriation Commission (Russia, Estonia: 1920–1927)

    Description: Materials concerning people opting for Estonian citizenship after Estonia became independent. There are similar collections for Moscow, Pskov and Siberia. The records contain rules and regulations, meeting minutes, lists, personal documents, and personal files for people of both genders.

    Archive address: Rahvusarhiiv, Nooruse 3, Tartu 50411

    Reference number: ERA.28

    Links: The catalogue is available from the Estonia National Archives. To browse digital images from the collection, search for “Kobieta w stroju ludowym” (‘Women in national costume’)

    Publications: Helen Rohtmets-Aasa, Eesti Vabariigi sisserändepoliitika aastatel 1920-1923 [Immigration Policy of the Republic of Estonia in 1920–1923] (Tartu: 2014), has a summary in English.

    Contributor: Janet Laidla