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Royal Academy of Arts (London, UK)

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    Collection: Kauffman: memoria delle pittura | Kauffmann: ledger book of pictures (Italy, UK: 1781)

    Description: Angelica Kauffman’s ledger book of international commissions when she returned from her stay in Italy. Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann RA (30 October 1741–5 November 1807), usually known in English as Angelica Kauffman, was a Swiss Neoclassical painter who had a successful career in London and Rome. Remembered primarily as a history painter, Kauffmann was a skilled portraitist, landscape and decoration painter. She was, along with Mary Moser, one of two female painters among the founding members of the Royal Academy in London in 1768.

    Archive address: Royal Academy of Arts, 6 Burlington Gardens, London, W1S 3ET

    Reference number: KAU

    Links: Visit the Royal Academy’s website and  access its search engine HERE. Access the collection HERE.

    Contributor: Bénédicte Miyamoto