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Svenska Emigrantinstitutet | The Swedish Emigrant Institute (Växjö, Sweden)

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Svenska Emigrantinstitutet below

    See more on our catalogue

    Collection title: Arkiv Andersén, Lillemor (Adelaide, Australia) | Archive of Lillemor Andersén (Sweden, Australia: 1878–1992)

    Description: Private correspondance of Kerstin Lillemor Andersen (b. 1914-12-07 in Stockholm), who emigrated with her parents to Australia in 1922. She worked at Barr Smith Library at the University of Adelaide from 1938 to 1979. The collection is a gift from the Migration Museum, Adelaide.

    Archive address: Vilhelm Mobergs gata 4, 352 29 Växjö, Sweden

    Reference number: SE/SEI/SEI_1956-1

    Links: See the official website HERE.

    Contributors: Maija Ojala-Fulwood