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The number of residence permits according to the EEA agreement 1994-30/4-06. From 1/5-06 the number of permanent residence rights and residence permits for third-country nationals

    Dataset title (English) : The number of residence permits according to the EEA agreement 1994-30/4-06. From 1/5-06 the number of permanent residence rights and residence permits for third-country nationals
    Official website :
    Providing institution (English) : Statistics Sweden
    Providing institution (original language) : Statistikmyndigheten
    Language(s) : Swedish, English
    Category 1 : in-coming migration (number)
    Keywords : profession
    Geographical coverage : Sweden
    Year(s) : 1994-2014
    Time range : XX-XXI
    Unit of measurement : number of persons
    Access type : open
    Source type : pdf/excel downloadable
    Downloaded dataset :

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