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Well-being, core indicators, background characteristics

    Dataset title (English) : Well-being, core indicators, background characteristics
    Official website :
    Providing institution (English) : Central Bureau for Statistics of the Netherlands
    Providing institution (original language) : Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
    Language(s) : English
    Category 1 : in-coming migration (number)
    Keywords : well being, happiness, life satisfaction, satisfaction with education opportunities, work, travel time, daily activities, physical health, mental health, weight, the financial situation, the house, the neighborhood, social life and the amount of free time; concerns about the financial future, feelings of unsafety and trust in others.
    Geographical coverage : Netherlands
    Year(s) : 2013
    Time range : XXI
    Unit of measurement : percentege
    Access type : open
    Source type : database downloadable

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