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Section for Talent: Portraits of Müge Telci Özbek and Camelia Zavarache

    This section is reserved for presentations of WEMov’s Early Career Investigators (ECIs). For this second newsletter, we are featuring our colleague in charge of coordinating the MOOC’s proposals (Müge Telci Özbek) and our stakeholders’ manager (Camelia Zavarache).

    Müge Telci Özbek is a historian of gender, female labor and im/mobilities in late Ottoman Empire. In August 2021, she will start her new job as visiting academician in Kadir Has University in Istanbul. She received her Ph.D in Modern Turkish History from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul (2018). She also holds a BS in Physics from Middle East Technical University, Ankara (2000), an MFA in Graphical Arts from Bilkent University, Ankara (2002) and an MA in Cultural Studies, from Istanbul Bilgi University (2007). In 2011, she received the dissertation writing award of The American Research Institute in Turkey. In 2018-2019, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Research Center for Anatolian Civilization, Koç University, Istanbul. In 2019-2020, she was a visiting faculty in the History Department in Binghamton University, NY/USA. Her articles in Turkish and English appeared in various edited volumes and journals including Middle Eastern Studies Journal. She also published a short story in a collection of stories from historians titled Tarihçilerden Bir Başka Hikaye (Another (H)story from Historians). Telci Özbek is currently working on a book manuscript titled « Precarious Moves, Precarious Lives: Poor and Working Women on Their Own in Late Ottoman Istanbul (1850-1914) ». This book will tell the story of women in the late Ottoman era who left their hometowns and families behind to navigate life in Istanbul on their own, at a time when familial networks were the basis of the social order, leaving these women outside of traditional support systems, or ‘solitary’. Through their experiences, the book will also trace novel forms of social and governmental scrutiny that targeted their lives, bodies, and labor, and which restricted their freedom and mobility and lack thereof, or im/mobility.

    Camelia Zavarache. Research Assistant, “Nicolae Iorga” History Institute in Bucharest

    Camelia Zavarache holds a PhD in Contemporary History. She graduated from the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, with a paper on the evolution of the social and cultural feminist programme in Interwar Romania. During her Masterʼs degree, she travelled to Teruel, University of Zaragoza with an Erasmus scholarship (February-June 2011). In 2013 she was admitted to the “Nicolae Iorga” History Institute in Bucharest, as part of its doctoral programme (SCOSAAR – School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy) with a thesis on moral, health and marriage education for young generations, during the interwar decades. During that time she was granted a research internship at the EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales) in Paris (April-May 2015), where she attended the seminar Histoire du corps: objets et methods, held by Georges Vigarello. After her PhD she joined the Department of Contemporary Studies “Romania and Europe during the XXth Century” at the “Nicolae Iorga” History Institute, as a Research Assistant, focusing on family studies, childhood history and law and gender studies.

    Her current research explores the career trajectories made possible by the education laws passed during the 1920s, for female teachers in elementary schools and for kindergarten teachers who were willing to travel and settle down in the provinces integrated by the Romanian Kingdom, after the First World War.

    List of publications:

    Camelia Zavarache, « Numărul mare de copii … așteaptă o asistență medicală serioasă și la vreme făcută”: Serviciul medical școlar în România interbelică », in Copilării trecute prin război. Povești de viață, politici sociale și reprezentări culturale în România anilor 1913-1923, Cătălina Mihalache, Nicoleta Roman (editors), Iași, Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2021.

    Camelia Zavarache, “Întreaga familie să redobândească fericirea care i-a unit la început”. Dezbaterile parlamentare privind regimul căsătoriei în Codul civil (1906) şi consecinţele sociale din perioada interbelică in Studii si Materiale de Istorie Contemporana, volum XIX, 2020.

    Camelia Zavarache, “Nowadays many mothers only want to be chirping skylarks, like Ibsenʼs Nora”. The debates concerning the legalization of abortion in Interwar Romania in Revista istorica, XXX, 2019, nr. 1-6.

    Camelia Zavarache, « Regime Change and Shifting Modernization Patterns: Professional Trajectories in the Field of Psychology during XXth Century Romania » in Hiperboreea Journal, Vol. 3, Nr. 2, December 2016, (The research was part of the Modernităţi fragmentare: elite intelectuale şi transformări istorice în România contemporană Project, coordinated by Dr. Cristian Vasile (Project code: PNII-RU-TE-2014-4-2922), financed by UEFISCDI.