Fabrice Langrognet
Dr. Fabrice Langrognet is a lawyer and a historian of migration. After serving for five years as a senior judge in the administrative branch of the French judiciary, specializing in immigration and asylum cases, he completed in 2019 a PhD in migration history at the University of Cambridge, where he was a Gates scholar. His doctoral thesis consisted in a microhistory of migrants living in a tenement building in the Paris area from 1882 to 1932. This work has been adapted into a monograph, Neighbours of Passage (Routledge, 2021). In 2020-2021, Fabrice was a visiting research scholar and Fung Global Fellow at Princeton University. He is now a Leverhulme fellow at the University of Oxford, where his research deals with refugee history, in particular asylum procedures in the 1980s and 1990s. Fabrice is also an associate researcher at the Centre d’histoire sociale des mondes contemporains, a joint University of Paris 1/CNRS lab where he is the co-leader of a research project entitled “Migrants in ordinary housing: access, appropriation of domestic spaces and heritagization” funded by the French Migration Institute (ICM). As part of this project, Fabrice is the co-curator of a public history exhibition, “La vie HLM : histoires d’habitant·e·s de logements populaires (1950-2000),” scheduled in Aubervilliers, France, from October 2021 to June 2022. He is also a fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute, a Berlin-based think tank.
Before his PhD, Fabrice Langrognet graduated from the École normale supérieure LSH, Sciences-Po, ÉNA and EHESS, all in France.
Contact Fabrice Langrognet at fabrice.langrognet@hist.ox.ac.uk