Jennifer Redmond
Dr. Jennifer Redmond is Associate Professor in Twentieth Century Irish History in the Department of History at MaynoothUniversity. She is Chair of the COST Action HIDDEN: History of Identity Documentation in European Nations (CA21120) which brings together scholars in different disciplines across the EU and its affiliated members to examine issues of identity documentation, migration and citizenship in the past and present. Dr. Redmond completed her M.Phil and PhD at the School of Histories and Humanities at Trinity College Dublin, the latter on the discourses surrounding Irish female migration to Britain during the first decades of Irish independence, published by Liverpool University Press in 2018 as Moving Histories. This was long-listed for the 2020 Michel Déon Prize, a joint prize awarded in by the Royal Irish Academy (funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) in Ireland and the Académie française in France . Her research interests include migration, women’s and gender history, Irish social history and digital humanities.
Jennifer is also a member of the Motherhood Project at Maynooth University, which is leading the way in examining cultural representations of motherhood and the way that mothers are depicted in popular culture, film, literature and the media. Jennifer brings her research in the area of motherhood and work and motherhood and citizenship to the project. The Motherhood Project is member of the European Union Horizon 2020 funded research network Mothernet, on contemporary European motherhood, involving researchers from Vilnius University in Lithuania and Uppsala University in Sweden.
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